Registration and Licensing Document Imaging System at VicRoads. FileOptics was chosen by the Information Services Department of VicRoads (the Victorian Government Road and Traffic Authority) in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia to replace the use of microfilm as a document storage media and to upgrade the document record facility to an electronic image based system.
Approximately 2 million documents (Vehicle Registration Forms, Driver Licence Applications, Pensioner Concessions Applications, LPG Conversions, Boat Registrations, Registration Transfers, Court Results and Vehicle Changes) are indexed and electronically archived each year. The Records Management Section processes around 1,000 electronic document retrieval requests per week.
System Features:
- Electronic FileRoom database
- Cabinets, Folders & Documents
- High-speed Document Scanning
- Can archive any object file
- Single product architecture
- Client-Server design
- Uses SQL database
- Online storage
- Near-line and off-line storage
Document Capture
A bureau service scans and indexes batches of documents on a regularly scheduled basis and returns files containing the document images and associated index data. For Registration and Licence applications only, mainframe transaction logs are used to create pre-index files which are loaded daily and used to match and verify the associated image index data when it arrives
The FileOptics server archives committed documents to the system by updating the index in the database and writing images to the Optical Disk Jukebox. In addition to the index update in the database, the index is also written to the optical disk as part of the security and audit process. Document images are stored in families of optical media based on document type. For example, separate families of media are allocated for registration applications, registration transfers etc.
Optical storage capacity capable of holding documents in a near-line state over a projected retention period.
Able to select single or multiple images for display, printing, and faxing via Registration Number, Licence Number, etc. from local and remote workstations.
Access to the FileOptics System is controlled via Network security and server database access mechanisms. All security violations are logged by User ID, and date/time.
Document retrievals are logged so that reports can be generated showing User ID, Request Data (e.g. Request type and keys), Request Date/Time, and Request Action (e.g. Print, Fax).